Forgings and precise machining of brass, aluminium and copper.
Early stage engineering |
The design conference |
Material selection
Part configuration |
Dimensional tollerances |
Applying guidelines
Surface finishing and coatings |
Ispection and testing |
Only few forging companies have machining capabilities and even less offer extensive finishing services, i.e. polishing and coatings. Many buyers specify that rough machining be done by the forger so that any surface imperfections will be discovered before the parts are shipped. And there is a large growing trend toward specifying that the forger also does finish machining, for reasons of economy and to isolate responsibility. The buyer gets a finished, ready-to-install component. Intermediate steps in production are left to us.
With the added responsibility, we also gain some flexibility that can result in overall savings for the buyer. Armed with a drawing showing only finished part dimensions and tolerances, we can design an ideal forging around the finished part. The parting line can be positioned for maximum part quality and production efficiency. The chief benefit, however, is that the machining envelope can sometimes be reduced to save material and machining time.
Among others surface treatments, we can supply at competitive prices mirror-finished and polished parts, heat treatments (i.e. annealing for enhanced dezincification-resistance) and coatings (i.e. nickel plating, chrome plating, NSF 51 and NSF 61 compliant nickel-phosphorous chemical-plating, NSF 51 and NSF 61 compliant chrome electro-plating, etc.) or pickling on finished parts.
We developped a competitive process for mirror finished parts, with outstanding part-to-part uniformity
Pe Giovanni di Pe Franco e C. S.a.s. - Via del Bosco, 10/A i-25076 Odolo (Brescia) Italy
Phone: +39 0365 82 65 18 - Fax: +39 0365 82 69 52 - Email: info@pegiovanni.com